An Overview of US Study Abroad in Ireland
Official US study abroad programming began in Ireland around 1970 and the number of students and program models have grown steadily since. In academic year 2021/22, an estimated 7,031 US students studying abroad in Ireland.
There are a diverse range of program models, many of which intersect, but the broad categories include:
Irish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) generally host students for semester programs, via partnerships with US institutions, third party providers, or direct enrolment.
Irish HEI Summer Schools most universities and some other HEIs run annual summer schools which range from one to eight weeks.
Third Party Providers are colleges or private organisations which channel students to both Irish HEIs, and to their own institutions (if they are also a college with a campus in Ireland). Many provide additional services to students including pastoral care, social programs, and accommodation.
U.S. Campuses in Ireland are owned and operated by an established US university or college. These programs may recruit exclusively from their home campus and/or attract students from other US institutions.
Internship Providers specialize in programs which include a significant internship component undertaken for credit or degree requirements. They frequently work in partnership with other institutions, and can offer full programs on behalf of US institutions.
US Faculty-led Programmes (FLPs) are short study abroad programs led by academic staff from a US institution (frequently two weeks or less). These programs account for over a third of US study abroad students in Ireland and are growing in popularity.